Skokie Vision 21

Vision #21: The heart of decision-making in a democracy is debate. Deborah Stone, in her book Policy Paradox, a core text of my public policy course years ago at Northwestern University, points out that the "the struggle over ideas" is constant and normal. Rather than fear or suppress that struggle, we must provide a forum for sharing ideas, including on the dais of the Skokie Village Board.

Although we may each share the five values she describes as central to all policy discourse -- equity, efficiency, security, liberty, and community -- we don't always recognize that how we pose questions matters. Citing a survey from the mid-'90s, Stone describes: "When asked about public spending on welfare, 48 percent of Americans say it should be cut. But when asked about spending on programs for poor children, 47 percent say it should be increased, and only 9 percent want cuts."

In Skokie, we have had single party rule for 60 years. Homogeneous group-think does not serve the common good in a municipality of 68,000 culturally and politically diverse residents. I am excited about a new Village Board in Skokie in which we have Trustees who argue their points, share relevant research, consider the opinions of residents and their own staff, and -- most importantly -- view this as a necessary political exercise. I also look forward to having a Mayor who ensures that debate among Trustees simultaneously flourshes and has appropriate guardrails to ensure that principles like the equality of all people are not themselves subject to popularity contests.

I agree whole-heartedly with deliberative democracy leader James Fishkin of Stanford University when he says, "There is value and even joy in listening to one another and thinking about arguments and life perspectives that we haven’t thought about before." The best decisions that are made as a result of open debate are not those in which all sides are unhappy, but on the contrary, where all the decision-makers feel a sense of pride and ownership.

As Trustee, I will bring to bear my ability to listen to others, help to guide debate through a reiteration of the points raised based on core, bottom-line issues, and, whether in session or not, engage with the other Trustees.


Skokie Vision 22


Skokie Vision 20