Skokie Vision 11
Skokie Vision #11: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously said that 11 AM on a Sunday morning "is the most segregated hour in America." He was talking about race and religion both.
This particular vision of a Skokie in which we interact across culture and religion is most genuine when it is part of an *overarching* culture that upholds the beauty and value of our differences as well as our similarities. Our annual Festival of Cultures is laudable, but it's just one step.
In truth, we fully *embody* that culture when our elected boards provide a forum for a diversity of ideas and approaches too. I would add diversity by income and by how we are housed -- as renters, homeowners, and everything in between. Together, we can come to a consensus that is stronger and better than the political homogeneity we currently see on our Village Board.
With more opportunities to interact across lines of difference on our Boards and Commissions in addition to our blocks, neighborhoods, stores & restaurants, houses of worship, schools, parks, library, and more, we become a richer place, a true community. Then there is no Other, only Us