Skokie Vision 12
Skokie Vision #12: Beautiful. Green. Safe to walk and bike. Skokie residents have shared with me that this is the Skokie they wish to live in. I share this vision.
But the tree canopy in Skokie is just 27% of the land mass, less than any of its neighbors and only better than Chicago and Niles. Kudos to the Skokie Park District for winning a competitive state grant to plant 20 trees in Winnebago Park. But the Village Board is working at cross-purposes, approving yet 3 more drive-through businesses at Touhy & Linder -- and even then, creating more paved lots. Does this look as lopsided to you in its ratio of accommodation to cars vs. bikes as to me? "The proposed development shall have a minimum of 240 off-street vehicle parking spaces including 10 handicapped parking space, and a minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces..." (From the Plan Commission's memo of approval).
On top of intensifying the heat island effect, this is downright ugly. Expanding green transportation and the preservation and expansion of Skokie's "urban forest" are among my top priorities.